What are the statistics of website accessibility?



disability impacts all of us

Learn how your business could receive an annual tax credit of up to $5,000 for making its websites accessible and compliant with the ADA. The next issue will contain Tax Benefit Information!

Investing in web accessibility and complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act isn’t just the right thing to do – it also entitles businesses to an annual tax credit of up to $5,000, According to section 44 of the IRS code. Essentially, the tax credit allows businesses to earn back part of the overall cost that they put into web accessibility and ADA compliance practices during the previous tax year. These practices include, but are not limited to web accessibility solutions installed on your website, native accessibility implemented by web development services, and the initial and ongoing remediation of files, media, or other paid-for accessibility services. 

How Much is the TAX CREDIT? Well, the tax credit will cover 50% of a business’s accessibility-related expenditures for up to $10,250. The first $250 is not covered, which means that your business would be entitled to $5,000 in credit.

Who Can Take this TAX CREDIT?  Any business with an accessible website

1. Employs no more than 30 full-time employees, or generated less than $1 million the previous tax year is eligible.

Form 8826: If your business fits one of these two qualifications, the next step is to fill out form 8826, which is found on the IRS website, and attach it to your yearly tax return. More instructions can be found on page two of form 8826. You can also visit the IRS tax credits and deductions page on the Americans With Disabilities Act website for additional details. However, it is also important that you check with your business’s tax professional before signing and sending in your annual accessibility expenditures. For more information on how to make your website accessible, and therefore qualify for the annual ADA tax credit please contact vickie@wellmanworks.com


How do I Reach the Disabled Market to Serve Them Better?

Check out this article: https://www.wellmanworks.com/google/how-to-expand-your-market-using-a-market-that-is-already-available

Hashtags for Disabled

Do hashtags increase awareness?

When used strategically, hashtags can provide you with many benefits. They can be used to get your content in front of a bigger audience, raise awareness about your brand, target a very specific group of people, boost your SEO, and use hot trends and topics to your advantage, among other benefits.



  • You can always use this hashtag on Instagram: #photooftheday.
  • #disability #disabilityawareness #disabled #wheelchair #inclusion #autism #chronicillness #wheelchairlife #specialneeds #accessibility #love #chronicpain #invisibleillness #spoonie #autismawareness #disabilityadvocate #mentalhealth #cerebralpalsy #disabilityrights #disabilityinclusion #spinalcordinjury #downsyndrome #disabilities #disabilitypride #abilitynotdisability #disabilitylife #handicap #diversity #amputee #asd
  • #anxiety #covid #motivation #wheelchairgirl #awareness #spoonielife #health #adhd #autismacceptance #paraplegic #fibromyalgia #community #ndis #support #wheelchairuser #accessible #autistic #disabilitysupport #inclusionmatters #autismfamily #autismmom #bhfyp #specialneedsfamily #life #cerebralpalsyawareness #disabilit #chronicillnesswarrior #eds #disabledandcute #discapacidad
    • These are from best-hashtags.com/hashtag/disability

More information on hashtags can be found in this article: https://www.wellmanworks.com/hashtags

disability impacts all of us

Is Your Website ADA Compliant?

Here is a 7-day free trial link: https://wellman.works/ada

ADA Compliance Wellman Works, Ltd.


Our software will not change a thing for the majority of users. It will only be activated when turned on via the interface (or a screen-reader if the user is blind), as an overlay to your website and only to the user’s specific session. Your design, UI, or performance will not be affected. The entire process is automated. Additionally, no data is collected, so your GDPR compliance isn’t affected.

California Association of Realtors

California Association of Realtors Website Accessibility and ADA Compliance

Download Here:

Quick Guide Website Accessibility and ADA Compliance REVISED 3522


Want Educational Updates About Internet Visibility?

Get found on the Internet

Vickie Christensen of Wellman Works Ltd. in Cameron Park, specializes in getting your business found on the Internet. I use my wealth of knowledge in the technical and marketing field earned over the last 30 plus years. I love working with businesses and making them more successful because that makes our community stronger.

Years of digging in and looking for the solutions that big companies can afford brought me, as a small business here. What I’ve spent years studying and applying to my own businesses are available to you.

Internet Visibility and Brand – you have found the person that listens and understands and will help you understand. It is my mission to give the opportunity that large companies have to your business and to promote the ethics of the Rotary 4-Way Test: In all things we do and say; Is it the Truth, Is it fair to all concerned, Will it build good will and better friendships, and Will it be beneficial to all concerned.

I look forward to hearing from you and discovering how I can best help you.

For digital business card https://bit.ly/VickieBusinessCard

Please call or text me at 916-835-5704 or make a quick call appt. at https://meetwithvickie.com  email at: vickie@wellmanworks.com