How to verify authentic pages:
Best Practices to Improve Page Visibility and Follower Engagement
It’s important for people to find and follow your Page. Businesses that follow these best practices have a better chance of being found by new and existing customers. Your content also needs to keep people engaged and interested enough to follow your Page. Here are the top best practices to help your Page gain a following on Facebook, such as how to optimize for search and what content people want to see. Your Page’s search visibility may improve in the search bar, the Events and Places bookmark or when people tag your Page in a post. These tips will also help your business appear when someone tries to tag your Page location (such as a Check-in).
Select the categories that best describe your business. Categories help people find your business when they search for your services or products. You can select up to three categories in your Page Settings. Select the most specific category for your business to maximize visibility in searches and make your Page easier to find. Learn more about how to choose a category on your Page.
If you own a business with a physical location, add your address. People frequently search for nearby businesses. Make sure your address is updated and accurate so people can easily find your business. Ensure your map pin is updated with the correct location.
If you don’t have a location where people can visit your business, edit your Page info to hide your street address on computer and mobile devices.
If you have multiple locations, create store Pages so people can find them on a map or when they search for your business in a specific location. Learn more about multiple locations
If your storefront is located in another structure (such as a mall or a train station), select the option Located inside another place and add details so people know where to find you.
Add a profile picture and cover photo to your Page. People tend to see businesses with a cover photo and profile picture as more trustworthy.
Profile photo: Use a simple visual representation of your business, such as a logo. Use a square image.
Cover photo or video: Show a recognizable part of your business that will attract people. Use a cover video instead of a photo to help keep visitors on your Page and increase engagement.
If you have a website, add it to your Facebook Page. Make it easy for potential customers to learn more about your business.
Update your hours. Customers want to know when your business will be open, particularly during holidays and special events. Update your business hours so search results show your location is open. If your hours aren’t updated, your business may appear as closed and discourage people from visiting. Learn how to add hours of business to your Page.
Turn on Recommendations: Let customers submit a rating and review/recommendation for your Page. Visitors to your Page will find valuable information that will increase their trust in your business. Recommendations also allow your Page to appear in searches for specific terms such as menu items. Learn how to turn on Recommendations.
Encourage people to follow your Page: Remind new and existing customers of the value of why they should follow your Page, such as regular updates, new products or services, easy communication and exclusive offers. People that follow or like your Page are more likely to see your content in their News Feed, which helps your business stay at the top of their minds. See ideas for posts on your Page.
Vickie Christensen of Wellman Works Ltd. in Cameron Park, specializes in getting your business found on the Internet. I use my wealth of knowledge in the technical field earned over the last 30 plus years. I love working with businesses and making them more successful because that makes our community stronger.
Internet Visibility and Brand – you have found the person that listens and understands and will help you understand. It is my mission to give the opportunity that large companies have to your business and to promote the ethics of the Rotary 4-Way Test: In all things we do and say; Is it the Truth, Is it fair to all concerned, Will it build good will and better friendships, and Will it be beneficial to all concerned.
I look forward to hearing from you and discovering how I can best help you. Please call or text me at 916-825-5704 or email at:
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