There is a Facebook New Page Experience in town with a bunch of fairly useful but small changes. How does this impact YOU?
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All those likes you worked so hard for and said please Like my page at the end of every email, text, and newsletter? They will all be left as FOLLOWERS. One of the main differences is that someone could Like your page but Un-Follow it and then not get Page updates. A Follower is much more likely to see your content in their Facebook Feed.
Switching to the New Pages Experience will be optional for now and as per normal available to only some pages. Here’s what you can expect and a couple of important clarifications:
First look at your page and determine the Likes and Followers: Just checking it out on Wellman Works, Ltd. – 1,017 Total Page Likes and 1,200 Followers
Vickie Christensen of Wellman Works Ltd. in Cameron Park, specializes in getting your business found on the Internet. I use my wealth of knowledge in the technical and marketing field earned over the last 30 plus years. I love working with businesses and making them more successful because that makes our community stronger.
Internet Visibility and Brand โ you have found the person that listens and understands and will help you understand. It is my mission to give the opportunity that large companies have to your business and to promote the ethics of the Rotary 4-Way Test: In all things we do and say; Is it the Truth, Is it fair to all concerned, Will it build good will and better friendships, and Will it be beneficial to all concerned.
I look forward to hearing from you and discovering how I can best help you. Please call or text me at 916-835-5704 or make a quick call appt. at email at:
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