The average Google Reviews star rating for a local business is 4.42 stars.
Only 5% of businesses have a Google average star rating below 3 stars, while 61% have 4-5 stars.
Businesses appearing in the Google Local 3-pack have an average of 47 Google Reviews.
74% of local businesses have at least one Google Review.
The difference in average star rating between businesses in positions 1-3 and 7-10 in Google Local is just 0.02 stars.
Hotels and car dealerships have the lowest average Google star rating.
Bars, restaurants, and hotels are the local businesses most likely to have GoogleReviews, and accountants are the least likely.
It’s official: review signals are becoming even more important to local SEO rankings. We know Google values trustworthy businesses, and frequent and positive reviews are one way to assess who comes out on top.
And while plenty of other review sites exist, Google Reviews’ visibility in search results is helping make Google the fastest-growing reviews platform.
Google Values Trustworthy Businesses
Using a review system that is Google Approved is the first step!
What if you could have video too! and have the Review SEO for ranking and have it automatically post to Google, Facebook and more!?
Goto and find out TODAY!
BUT FIRST – send me a review and get your first month free!
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