Are Your Reviews being Filtered by Google?
These are some of the possible reasons:
Usually reviews get filtered due to issues with the IP address of the person who left the review. Here are the most common reason reviews are filtered:
The review was left from the same IP address that was used by someone who already left you a review
If your business offers public WiFi and you’ve logged into your Google Business Profile account from this WiFi, customer reviews left using that WiFi will get filtered
The review contains a phone number or URL
The review contains a word Google doesn’t allow, such as profanity or racial slurs
You hired an SEO company to post reviews for you
You have an on-site review station at your location
The reviewer is located nowhere near you or has never physically visited your location.
If none of those reasons apply, Google simply doesn’t have enough information about the user or they think the review violates their guidelines. They don’t always make it super clear as to why reviews get filtered, so this is our best educated guess.
What To Do Next
Take a snapshot/screen shot of your review including the person who left it and the date. If you know how they got to the review i.e., a link you gave them or just organic search etc. include that information. Please include the business name and URL of the Google Business Profile (find that in the search bar)
We’ll check it out!

Vickie Christensen of Wellman Works Ltd. in Cameron Park, specializes in getting your business found on the Internet. I use my wealth of knowledge in the technical and marketing field earned over the last 30 plus years. I love working with businesses and making them more successful because that makes our community stronger.
Years of digging in and looking for the solutions that big companies can afford brought me, as a small business here. What I’ve spent years studying and applying to my own businesses are available to you.
Internet Visibility and Brand – you have found the person that listens and understands and will help you understand. It is my mission to give the opportunity that large companies have to your business and to promote the ethics of the Rotary 4-Way Test: In all things we do and say; Is it the Truth, Is it fair to all concerned, Will it build good will and better friendships, and Will it be beneficial to all concerned.
I look forward to hearing from you and discovering how I can best help you. Please call or text me at 916-835-5704 or make a quick call appt. at https://meetwithvickie.com email at: vickie@wellmanworks.com

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